Rethink –
Your Hiring Strategy

- Traditional Approach
- What you need
What is your current and best recruitment strategy when you need people talent?
If you are like most companies, you probably post job advertisements on the web or reach out to social media sites in the hope that the right candidate will apply. Unfortunately, many of the resumes submitted are unqualified, causing businesses to waste time screening the wrong applicants and candidates.
The trouble that most hiring managers face when using these traditional recruiting methods is that they are only accessing 15% of the marketplace. These 15% of candidates are often unemployed and/or unqualified.
What’s even more staggering is that there are over 4 million jobs posted online every month, with an average of 300 candidates applying to each posting. Out of all those applicants, a very small percentage of individuals are actually qualified for the job openings the employers are seeking to fill.
This is simply a waste of your company’s time and money.
What you needWhat you need is access to the other 85%

These 85% are the diligent, employed professionals that are making an impact for your competitors and too busy being successful to respond to online ads. They are what we call the truly “Passive Candidate.”
Traditionally, in order to gain access to passive candidates, companies hire recruiting firms and staffing agencies to fill job openings. This strategy can be costly- especially for smaller corporations. The recruitment costs become even more prohibitive when needing to make multiple hires throughout the year. Frankly, most companies have limited finances for recruiting fees, and working with conventional employment firms just isn’t in the budget.
Recruitment Intelligence will help you Redefine your hiring strategy.